How To Add Your Inventory To The KEXY Dashboard

REMEMBER all of your inventory must be uploaded through the web portal.
Ebook DownloadStart by formatting your spreadsheets. Use the provided templates and example sheets located in your dashboard to help guide you through the formatting process.
*Note – Make sure all of your products are under their respective categories and that your column headings match the headings on your web portal.
Next, return to the dashboard and click “Edit Categories”. Check all of the product categories you will be using and add any categories that are not part of the default options. For example, Wine, Beer, Meat, Produce, etc.
*Note – To remove the “Success Popup” notification, go to the bottom of the, “Create Category” page and select the checkbox labeled, “Do not show success popups”.
Now, return to your dashboard and take a look at the blue column headings. These are the metrics that you will be tracking. To add custom metrics, click, “Edit Metrics”.
*Note – Custom metrics can be deactivated or deleted under “Edit Metrics”, as well.
Now you can begin to add your products. Just click on the + symbol next to the category name to create a new row.
*Note – To remove a product, click on the red – next to the product name.
Now, return to your spreadsheet, copy as many products within a single category as you would like, click on the first empty box of your new row, and paste. Repeat this process for the remaining categories.
Lastly, click publish, and all of your changes will be visible on the mobile app.
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