Maximize Your Restaurants Value Perception

By: KEXY Team
January 21, 2024
News And Tips

Restaurants Greetings! Customers create opinions, conscious and subconscious judgments, and perceptions based on your restaurant’s visual, aural, and tactile elements that your establishment transmits. Customers can gather information from newspapers, magazines, online sources, and during or after their physical visit to your restaurant.

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Consumers today focus on value when deciding their dining venue. Research shows that 76% of customers consider value an essential element when choosing where to eat. Many things determine the value your restaurant provides to the customers, meaning it is not just about lower prices.

For instance, customers consider a wide range of factors, including brand names, food quality, and signature menu items, to decide a restaurant. About 23% of customers have changed their perceptions about restaurants and say that good value is as important as food quality and service. Here is how you can maximize value perception!

Advertise your Restaurant

Place high-quality signs next to and in the restaurant’s vicinity to alert consumers to your business location. Place a sign on the corner, especially if your restaurant is on a side street. Provide plenty of parking for your customers, allowing them to stop and eat.

Use Inventory Software


There are lots of restaurant inventory software applications on the market, but if you’re looking for one that has all the features and is free, look no further than KEXY.  KEXY is an advanced, cutting-edge cloud-based software system to streamline your restaurant processes, manage inventory, and increase productivity. KEXY offers valuable information, inventory control, reporting, and one-click ordering of products for restaurant and bar managers.

KEXY allows you to track growth and profitability from time to time and enables you to make informed decisions while managing inventory. All this leads to an increased value of your restaurant, especially to your interested customers.

Mention Brand Name Ingredients on Menu

Research highlights that 60% of consumers prefer purchasing menu items with featured brand-name ingredients. If you have invested a lot of money importing branded ingredients, make sure you feature them on the menu items.

For instance, you can mention or display the brand names and logos for the menu items, including dressings, condiments, and dips. The purpose is to make the items more attractive to your customers, leading to increased value.

Use Quality-Signifying Language

About 77% of consumers consider the food quality when deciding to dine out with their families and friends. Food quality is one of the crucial elements that add value at restaurants. Similarly, 62% of consumers look for high-quality menu options.

Therefore, we recommend using quality-signifying language on your menu and focus on adding words like “organic ingredients,” “local produce,” “natural food,” etc. Not only does this enhance your customers’ experiences, but it also increases value.

Build a Strong Customer Base

A strong customer base is directly proportional to adding value to your restaurant business. Collect information and data on your customers to meet their interests and needs. For example, if your customers like live music, make sure you book a musician at least twice a month to entertain your customers.

Likewise, if your customers support local farmers, make sure you purchase meats, vegetables, and fruits from local growers. Inform consumers of your support on the menu to let them know you focus on quality and value.

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