What Are Metrics and Why Are They Important?

What are Metrics?
KEXY focuses on metrics that relate to the products listed under your Categories. The metrics are in dark blue column headers.
You will see two types of metrics on your products table:

1. Default Metrics – Indicated as a unit, par, distributor name, etc., you will first notice these when you create your account.
- Current Inventory Level
- Par Level
- Unit
- Distributor
- Rep Name
- Rep Email
- Rep Phone
This information is needed to fully realize the potential of your inventory and ordering tools. While only the product name and unit fields are required in order to add products to your inventory dashboard, we highly recommend filling out all of the default metrics before publishing. These metrics can not be altered or deleted, however, they can be rearranged by simply dragging and dropping.
2. Custom Metrics– Unlike default metrics, custom metrics, as the title suggests, are completely customizable. Adding custom metrics to your product table is simple. Click on the “Edit Metrics” button at the top of your dashboard.
PRO TIP: The more information we have on your products, the better we will be able to find inaccuracies, as well as opportunities that will improve your profit margins in the long run!
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